Sandhurst Gardening Club
Sandhurst Community hall Yorktown Rd, Sandhurst, United KingdomSt Kilda & the Hebrides with Sara Frost
The events listed here have been organised by the Federation, affiliated societies, or local charitable organisations. We aim to keep it up to date, however this is not guaranteed. Please contact the organiser of the event should you require confirmation.
St Kilda & the Hebrides with Sara Frost
The Savill Garden with John Anderson
Demo: How to create a Xmas arrangement with Janice Tattersdill
Arts & Craft gardens in the SE with Cherrill Sands
) AUTUMN FLOWER SHOW – open to members & visitors from 3pm.
Ponds & water plants with Ray Broughton
SUMMER FLOWER SHOW – open to members & visitors from 3pm.
Growing & showing dahlias with Graham Talbot
Growing for the kitchen with Paul Patton
Evening talk: Cut flowers for garden & vase with Claire Brown