St Gregory’s Parish Hall, Alresford Grange Road, Alresford, United KingdomThe Annual General Meeting will be followed by a talk about The Biodiversity of the Churchyard.
The events listed here have been organised by the Federation, affiliated societies, or local charitable organisations. We aim to keep it up to date, however this is not guaranteed. Please contact the organiser of the event should you require confirmation.
The Annual General Meeting will be followed by a talk about The Biodiversity of the Churchyard.
Rachel Annette will give a talk with the above title. We hope to learn how to use our gardening skills to benefit honey bees.
Ian Margetts will tell us the story of Summerdown Mints: 'From Mustard to Mint.' Visitors welcome - £3. Refreshments available.
Tim Woodland will be speaking about Autumn Bulbs.
This will be a talk by Roger Hiron, entitled 'Putting the Garden to bed for Winter.'
Gerald Ponting will talk about the wildflowers to be found along the verges and roadsides.
Rupert Broadway, conservationist, will give a talk about butterflies.
We welcome back Gillian Taylor who will be giving a talk entitled 'From Farmer's Field to Fruit and Flowers.' Visitors are welcome. Refreshments are available to purchase.
Alresford and District Horticultural Society are holding their monthly meeting when Alan Horgan will give a talk about Pests and Diseases. Visitors are welcome, £3. Refreshments will be available to purchase.
Members' Spring Show
A talk by Geoff Hawkins.